Hello Adobe community,
I need a little help with a project i' m working. I' m trying to create a web site and i'm using flash catalyst because i want some specific actions on it. On flash catalyst stage, i have an image with specific dimensions, let's say 1600x1200, and a button in front of the image. Also i have an object, let's assume an image, dimensions 1600x400, outside the stage, on the right side. When i'm clicking the button, this object is moving, from right to left, and is entering in the stage replacing the first image. This is my project, and here is where my problem begins. I'm having the "classic" problem with scale, so after a litllte research i found something
. I'm importing the fxp file to flash builder. On the <Application> tag, in the Main.mxml file, i'm removing the width and height attributes and replece them with this attribute: preinitialize="systemManager.stage.scaleMode='showAll'" . From flash builder menu, i'm choosing Project > Export Release Build to publish a version of my swf. I create an index.html page and i embeding the swf there. So,- The file is only scaling horizontally, which means that i only see a part of my page, something like 3200x300 on the top of the screen. The rest height is cropped and the page is blank
- I can see the object that was outside the flash catalyst stage and shouldn't be visible.
Any idea how can i fix those two things?